

This module contains various utility functions that are used throughout the py0 module. These are imported automatically when py0 is imported.


class utils.TransitionMatrix(compartment_names, infectious_compartments)

Defines the transition between different compartments in the disease model, given different epidemiology parameters.

add_transition(name1, name2, time, time_var)
  • name1 (string) – source compartment

  • name2 (string) – destination compartment

  • time (float) – time it takes to move from source compartment to destination compartment. This is typically the reciprocal of rates.

  • time_var (float) – variance of the time it takes to move from source compartment to destination compartment. Use zero unless you are creating an esemble of trajectories to do inference using MaxEnt.

property value

Returns matrix value.

utils.compartment_restrainer(restrained_patches, restrained_compartments, ref_traj, prior, npoints=5, noise=0, start_time=0, end_time=None, time_average=7, marker_size=10, marker_color='r')

Adds restraints to reference traj based on selected compartments of selected patches.

  • restrained_patches (list) – index of the patches (nodes) restrained

  • restrained_compartments (list) – index values for the restrained compartments

  • ref_traj (a [1, T, M, C] tensor with dtype tf.float32, where T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – reference traj

  • prior (maxent.prior) – Prior distribution for expected deviation from target for restraint. Can be either ‘EmptyPrior’ for exact agreement or set to ‘Laplace’ for more allowable disagreement.

  • npoints (int) – number of data points in each restrained compartment

  • noise (float) – multiplicative noise to be added to observations to allow higher uncertainty

  • start_time (int) – index for the lower time limit of restraints

  • end_time (int) – index for the higher time limit of restraints. If not provided, maximum timestep will be assumed.

  • time_average (int) – number of timesteps to for time averaging of restraints

  • marker_size (int) – marker size for restraints

  • marker_color (string) – marker color for restraints


restraints, plot_fxns_list

utils.draw_graph(graph, weights=None, heatmap=False, title=None, dpi=150, true_origin=None, color_bar=True)

Plots networkx graph.

  • graph – networkx graph

  • weights – probabiity of being exposed in every patch at time zero across all the sample trajs. If not provided uniform probability will be assumed over all nodes.

  • heatmap (bool) – change node color based on weights

  • title (string) – plot title

  • dpi (int) – dpi value of plot

  • true_origin (int) – index for the true origin node

  • color_bar (bool) – enables color bar in plot

utils.draw_graph_on_map(mobility_matrix, geojson, title=None, node_size=300, node_color='#eb4034', edge_color='#555555', map_face_colors=None, fontsize=12, figsize=(10, 10), ax=None, alpha_edge=0.3, alpha_node=0.8, true_origin=None, restrained_patches=None, obs_color='C0', org_color='C8', show_map_only=False, show_legend=False)

Plots networkx graph on a map given mobility flows and geographic features. The edges are weighted by the mobility flows between the nodes. This function also alows for visualization of true orgin node and observed ones.

  • mobility_matrix (numpy array of [M, M], where M is the number of nodes in the metapopulation) – mobility flows between the nodes

  • geojson (string) – path to GeoJSON file describing the geographic features of the metapopulation

  • title (string) – figure title

  • node_size (int) – size for the networkx nodes

  • node_color (string or a list of strings with length M) – color for the networkx nodes

  • edge_color (string) – color for the networkx edges

  • map_face_colors (string or a list of strings with length M) – color for the faces of patches on the map

  • fontsize (float) – font size

  • figsize (tupple) – figure size

  • axmatplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot. Defaults to a new axis.

  • show_legend (bool) – show legend for true origin or obsevations.

  • alpha_edge (float) – alpha value for edges that allows transparency

  • alpha_nodes (float) – alpha value for nodes that allows transparency

  • true_origin (int) – index for the true origin node

  • restrained_patches (list) – index of the patches (nodes) restrained

  • obs_color (string) – marker color for the observation nodes

  • org_color (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – marker size for the true origin node

  • show_map_only (bool) – Showing the map only without the networkx graph. Default is False.


Finds the initial exposed patch (t=0) for trajs


trajs (tensor with dtype tf.float32 of shape [N, T, M, C] where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – ensemble of trajectories after sampling


A numpy array containing the index of the initial exposed node for the ensemble of trajectories


Generates a fully connected dense networkx graph of size M, edge list and node list.


M (int) – number of nodes in the metapopulation


graph, edge list, node list


Generates a networkx graph of size mobility_matrix.shape[0], edge list and node list.


mobility_matrix (numpy array of [M, M], where M is the number of nodes in the metapopulation) – mobility flows between the nodes


graph, edge list, node list

utils.gen_random_graph(M, p=1.0, seed=None)

Returns a random networkx graph of size M with connection probability p

  • M (int) – number of nodes in the metapopulation

  • p (float) – node connection probability

  • seed – allows random seeding for graph generations



utils.get_dist(prior_params, compartments=['E', 'A', 'I', 'R'])

Gets distributions for the model parameters in the ensemble trectory sampling.

  • prior_params (list) – model parameters during sampling over different batches.

  • compartments (list) – list of compartments except for ‘S’ (susceptible) as strings.

return: list of model parameter’s distributions.


Returns graph degree of a network graph based on networkx graph input.


graph – networkx graph


graph degree

utils.p0_loss(trajs, weights, true_origin)

Returns cross-entropy loss for p0 based on sampled trajs and maxent weights, size of meta-population and ground-truth p0 node inputs.

  • trajs (a [N, T, M, C] tensor with dtype tf.float32, where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments) – sampled ensemble of trajectories

  • weights (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – weights of the trajectories in the ensemble. If not provided, will be assumed as 1/N.

  • true_origin (int) – index for the true origin node


cross-entropy loss

utils.p0_map(prior_exposed_patch, meta_pop_size, weights=None, patch_names=None, title=None, choropleth=False, geojson=None, fontsize=12, figsize=(15, 8), vmin=None, vmax=None, restrained_patches=None, true_origin=None, obs_size=5, obs_color='C0', org_color='C8', colormap='Reds', ax=None, projection=None, show_legend=True, show_cbar=True)

Plots the weighted probabiity of being exposed in every patch at time zero on a grid or on a choropleth map (this requires geopandas and geoplot packages). If choropleth plotting is enabled, make sure your geojson has ‘county’ as header for the counties name column and your patches names are alphabetically sorted.

  • prior_exposed_patch (an array of size N (sample size)) – output of exposed_finder function.

  • meta_pop_size (int) – size of the metapopulation

  • weights (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – weights of the trajectories in the ensemble. If not provided, will be assumed as 1/N.

  • patch_names (list) – name of the patches. Note that the namings should be similar to names from GeoJSON if using choropleth.

  • title (string) – figure title

  • choropleth (bool) – turn on if plotting choropleth plots

  • geojson (string) – path to GeoJSON file describing the geographic features of the metapopulation

  • fontsize (float) – font size

  • figsize (tupple) – figure size

  • vmin (float) – minimum value of the color bar

  • vmax (float) – maximum value of the color bar

  • restrained_patches (list) – index of the patches (nodes) restrained

  • true_origin (int) – index for the true origin node

  • obs_size (float) – marker size for the observation nodes

  • obs_color (string) – marker color for the observation nodes

  • org_color (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – marker size for the true origin node

  • colormap (string) – Matplotlib colormaps

  • axmatplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot. Defaults to a new axis.

  • projection – the projection to use. For reference see Working with Projections.

  • show_legend (bool) – show legend for true origin or obsevations.

  • show_cbar (bool) – show heatmap color bar

utils.patch_quantile(trajs, *args, ref_traj=None, weights=None, lower_q_bound=0.3333333333333333, upper_q_bound=0.6666666666666666, restrained_patches=None, plot_fxns_list=None, figsize=(18, 18), patch_names=None, fancy_shading=False, n_shading_gradients=30, alpha=0.6, obs_color='C0', yscale_log=False, **kw_args)
Does traj_quantile for trajectories of shape [N, T, M, C] where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps,

M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.

  • trajs (tensor with dtype tf.float32 of shape [N, T, M, C] where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – ensemble of trajectories after sampling

  • ref_traj (tensor with dtype tf.float32 of shape [1, T, M, C] where T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – reference trajectory

  • weights (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – weights for the each trajectory in the ensemble. If not defined uniform weights will be assumed.

  • lower_q_bound (float) – lower quantile bound

  • upper_q_bound (float) – upper quantile bound

  • restrained_patches (list) – index of the patches (nodes) restrained

  • plot_fxns_list (list) – output of compartment_restrainer

  • figsize (tupple) – figure size

  • patch_names (list) – name of the patches (nodes). If not provided patches name will be defined by their index.

  • fancy_shading (bool) – allows for gradient shading of the confidence interval

  • n_shading_gradients (int) – number of intervals for shading gradients

  • alpha (float) – alpha value for edges that allows transparency

  • obs_color (string) – marker color for the observation nodes

  • yscale_log (bool) – change y axis scale to log for better visualization of the observations.

utils.plot_dist(R_dist, E_A, A_I, I_R, start_exposed_dist, beta_dist, name='prior')

plots a seaborn.distplot for the model’s prior parameter distribution.

  • R_dist – sampled mobility flows as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • E_A – time for going from E->A as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • A_I – time for going from A->I as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • I_R – time for going from I->R as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • start_exposed_dist – starting exposed fraction as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • beta_dist – beta value(s) as tensor with dtype tf.float32

  • name (string) – name for the distributions that shows up in the figure title

utils.sparse_graph_mobility(sparse_graph, fully_connected_mobility_matrix)

Generates a sprase mobility matrix based on sparse graph and a fully connected mobility matrix inputs. For a fully connected graph, the output mobility matrix remains the same.

  • graph – networkx sparse graph

  • fully_connected_mobility_matrix (numpy array) – [M, M] array with values defining mobility flows between nodes


sparsed mobility matrix

utils.traj_loss(ref_traj, trajs, weights)

Returns Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence loss for predicted traj based on a reference traj and MaxEnt reweighted trajs.

  • ref_traj (a [1, T, M, C] tensor with dtype tf.float32, where T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – reference traj

  • trajs (a [N, T, M, C] tensor with dtype tf.float32, where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments) – sampled ensemble of trajectories


KL divergence as a scalar value

utils.traj_quantile(trajs, weights=None, lower_q_bound=0.3333333333333333, upper_q_bound=0.6666666666666666, figsize=(9, 9), names=None, plot_means=True, ax=None, add_legend=True, alpha=0.6, fancy_shading=False, n_shading_gradients=30)

Make a plot of all the trajectories and the average trajectory based on trajectory weights and lower and upper quantile values.

  • trajs (tensor with dtype tf.float32 of shape [N, T, M, C] where N is the number of samples, T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – ensemble of trajectories after sampling

  • weights (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – weights for the each trajectory in the ensemble. If not defined uniform weights will be assumed.

  • lower_q_bound (float) – lower quantile bound

  • upper_q_bound (float) – upper quantile bound

  • figsize (tupple) – figure size

  • names (list) – name of compartments as strings

  • plot_means (bool) – if True approximates quantiles as distance from median applied to mean.

  • axmatplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot. Defaults to a new axis.

  • add_legend (bool) – show legend

  • alpha (float) – alpha value for edges that allows transparency

  • fancy_shading (bool) – allows for gradient shading of the confidence interval

  • n_shading_gradients (int) – number of intervals for shading gradients

utils.traj_to_restraints(ref_traj, inner_slice, npoints, prior, noise=0.1, time_average=7, start_time=0, end_time=None, marker_size=10, marker_color='r')

Creates npoints restraints based on given trajectory with multiplicative noise and time averaging. For example, it could be weekly averages with some noise.

  • ref_traj (a [1, T, M, C] tensor with dtype tf.float32, where T is the number of timesteps, M is the number of patches (nodes) and C is the number of compartments.) – reference traj

  • inner_slice (list) – list of length 2. First index determines the patch and second index determines what compartment on that patch is restrained.

  • npoints (int) – number of data points in each restrained compartment

  • prior (maxent.prior) – Prior distribution for expected deviation from target for restraint. Can be either ‘EmptyPrior’ for exact agreement or set to ‘Laplace’ for more allowable disagreement.

  • noise (float) – multiplicative noise to be added to observations to allow higher uncertainty

  • time_average (int) – number of timesteps to for time averaging of restraints

  • start_time (int) – index for the lower time limit of restraints

  • end_time (int) – index for the higher time limit of restraints. If not provided, maximum timestep will be assumed.

  • marker_size (int) – marker size for restraints

  • marker_color (string) – marker color for restraints


list of restraints, list of functions which take a matplotlib axis and lambda value and plot the restraint on it.

utils.weighted_exposed_prob_finder(prior_exposed_patch, meta_pop_size, weights=None)

Finds the weighted probability of being exposed in every patch at time zero across all the sample trajs.

  • prior_exposed_patch (an array of size N (sample size)) – output of exposed_finder function.

  • meta_pop_size (int) – size of the metapopulation

  • weights (tensor with dtype tf.float32) – weights of the trajectories in the ensemble. If not provided, will be assumed as 1/N.


weighted probability of being exposed across all patches

utils.weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, sample_weight=None, values_sorted=False, old_style=False)
Very close to numpy.percentile, but supports weights.

Note: quantiles should be in [0, 1]!

  • values – numpy.array with data

  • quantiles – array-like with many quantiles needed

  • sample_weight – array-like of the same length as array

  • values_sorted – bool, if True, then will avoid sorting of initial array

  • old_style – if True, will correct output to be consistent with numpy.percentile.


numpy.array with computed quantiles.